Muslim Youth of Guyana – Tomorrow’s Future
The future of Islam in Guyana will depend on the collective efforts of its people to embrace diversity, empower their youth, and uphold the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Together, we can create a vibrant, inclusive, and impactful community that is a beacon of hope and inspiration for all.The History and Legacy of Muslims in the Caribbean
The symposium began a process of bringing issues on the minds of those in the region to the foreground and giving those issues a voice. It was very much a starting place for what needs to be a much broader, more robust, regionally representative, and more inclusive dialogue on the legacies, diversity of identities and…THE ART OF QUESTIONING
The questioning techniques are just one tool from the toolkit of teaching stratagems in the Sunnah of the Messenger )s.a.w.(They are congruent with what the professionals in the field of education tell us, but they go beyond that, having a unique flavor of their own. Inculcating these Sunnah practices into one’s repertoire will serve to enhance…Choosing a Career: Guidelines in Decision Making
The decision on a career path must take into consideration future demands and relevance. This consideration requires research, and the internet is a valuable tool for gathering data on the trends and jobs that will be in demand over the next ten to twenty years. Past and present career relevance or demand must not bias…Hijrah: Then and Now
If Hijrah is such a spiritual voyage, then Hijrah today is a multifaceted one. It is a constant struggle to move from one level to another with the ultimate goal of attaining Ihsaan, the highest level of faith. It is a transformation of the soul.UNRAVELING THE MYSTERIES OF THE UNIVERSE
The celestial sphere has always held a fascination for humans throughout history. They have looked up and marveled at its beauty and have pondered the questions that came to mind. It is the Divine guidance, through the Quran, that pivoted mankind to reflect on the celestial creation as a handiwork of God’s creation.