Eid Khutbah: Timeless Lessons from Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH)

Allah is Great. Allah is Great. Allah is Great.

All glory and praise be to God, the Creator and Lord of all beings.

We thank Him for His blessings: for the gift of life, health, family, community, peace, and prosperity we enjoy and take for granted in our country, Canada.

I bear witness there is no god but God; He is One; and has no partner. I also bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and final messenger. May Allah bless him and his family and his companions and all those who follow their ways until the end of times.


Br. Farhad Khadim

Farhad Khadim is a Guyanese – Canadian and an Information Management Professional with the City of Toronto. He is one of the founders of Masjid Toronto and a Founding Director of the Islamic Institute of Toronto. He the author of a poetry anthology “Whispers of Faith” and a Children’s Picture Book “Oh, The Things I See!” Both are available on Amazon. He lives in Toronto.

Farhad Khadim

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