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Understanding Diabetes Mellitus
The prevalence (diagnosed cases) of Diabetes has reached alarming levels and some clinicians are advocating that it is now a pandemic. The prevalence worldwide is reported by WHO (World Health Organization) to be approximately 11 percent in 2021. The US reported a prevalence of about 10.5 percent and Canada reported 8.8 percent. The startling statistic…Sports: Why Muslims Should Have No Ambivalence About Participating in
Talent, whether inborn or developed, is highly motivating. Those with a penchant for law, for example, are attracted to the gifted attorney-his or her oratory, style, compelling arguments and so on. Many who excel in sports, whether its basketball, hockey, baseball, or cricket, are elevated to the point where they become household names. Talented people,…Islamic Humor – Muslim Perspectives – Edition 1
Fulfilling Your Order The Muslim opened his halaal restaurant and had a sign that says: IF WE CANNOT FULFILL YOUR HALAAL ORDER, YOU GET $200.00 A customer walks in and orders two pita bread and stew camel. The waiter took the order and went to the kitchen. The owner came out in anger and demanded…Basking in the Mercies of the Merciful One
Ramadan is here once again, a yearly feature in our calendar. As a matter of fact, Ramadan was there before human existence on earth. It is the month of forgiveness and mercy. No other month in our calendar can be compared to this month for its warmth and kindness to the believers. As we travel…Suratul Qadr
Assalamu alaykum and Ramadan Kareem Suratul Qadr says that the Qur’an was sent down in one night, LaylatulQadr, while Suratul Baqarah says in Ramadan. There is no contradiction since the night is in Ramadan. However, in the Prophet’s Seerah ﷺ we learn that the Qur’an took twenty-three years to be completed. Thus, many scholars hold…The Role of Fasting in the Ummah- Past, Present &
﷽ The Prophet (PBUH) told us that fasting is a shield-Junna. So what is that? On the surface, a shield is a badge of insignia. However, its deeper meaning is: This is an insightful description of Saum. Life in this world is a journey and there are many pitfalls and challenges one encounters along the…Ruling Concerning Making Up The Fast
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم All Praises are for Allah Lord of all that exists and peace and blessings of Allah be on His final Messenger and his household. A Muslim must make up the fasting for all the days he (includes “she” in Fiqhi discussions unless otherwise specified) has missed during the Month of…Poetry of Pattern: Reading the Significance of Geometry in the
From the cool, tiled floors of a Mughal palace to the soaring, domed ceiling of a mosque; from the cover of a Qur’an to a printed hijab, handbag, Zoom background, or restaurant take-out menu, geometric patterns are ever-present within the Islamic environment whether we give them a moment’s thought or not. In fact, the general…Reflections About the American Masjid / Community
The call came in around 10pm on a weekday. “Imam, can you come now, as my son says he is going to commit suicide.” This scenario is just one example of issues that play out constantly within the Muslim community. One day a sister came for ‘Isha Salaah with two children and said she did…