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An Era of Insanity: Palestinians in the Throes of Genocide
It is worth noting that the siege of Gaza did not start with Hamas’ incursions into Palestinians’ lands that are currently occupied by Israel. On the contrary, Palestinians have endured this unbearable confinement and incarceration for the last sixteen years.The History and Legacy of Muslims in the Caribbean
The symposium began a process of bringing issues on the minds of those in the region to the foreground and giving those issues a voice. It was very much a starting place for what needs to be a much broader, more robust, regionally representative, and more inclusive dialogue on the legacies, diversity of identities and…Lab-grown meat: Is it the future?
The Muslim community must not be left behind in this matter but instead, proactively develop a clear position on this soon-to-be significant new source of food. The knowledge and science of technology must be given guidelines, which must take an overall, big-picture view. Allah has made man His vicegerent on earth and has given man…DO NOT ABUSE ANIMALS, THEY HAVE RIGHTS – Exemplary Message
The Islamic calendar marks at this time the occasion of Eid ul Adha, a festivity of which the sacrifice of animals – ‘Qurbani’ or ‘Udhiyah’- is central. The Islamic rules of slaughtering livestock, whether sacrificial or otherwise, ensure the killing is performed in an ethical and humane manner. Kindness to animals in the process of…Eid Khutbah: Timeless Lessons from Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH)
Allah is Great. Allah is Great. Allah is Great. All glory and praise be to God, the Creator and Lord of all beings. We thank Him for His blessings: for the gift of life, health, family, community, peace, and prosperity we enjoy and take for granted in our country, Canada. I bear witness there is…Ramadan Reflections: Options and Opportunities
As Ramadan 2023 visits us this year, we no longer greet it with the expected certainty we used to before COVID-19. Now, it is welcomed with a sense of hesitant hopefulness and expectant gratitude. We are enthused at the incredible options and opportunities that it brings. For me, the coming of Ramadan has always triggered…THE ART OF QUESTIONING
The questioning techniques are just one tool from the toolkit of teaching stratagems in the Sunnah of the Messenger )s.a.w.(They are congruent with what the professionals in the field of education tell us, but they go beyond that, having a unique flavor of their own. Inculcating these Sunnah practices into one’s repertoire will serve to enhance…The Leadership of Jacinda Ardern
Jacinda Ardern has gained an iconic status for her forthrightness in calling out right- wing extremism as terrorism, for her swiftness in embracing and in identifying with New Zealand’s Muslim community in the aftermath of the massacre, for her profound sense of concern for the environment, and for her decisiveness in calling for legislation to…Medina Constitution: The Prophet’s Governance
The 7th century Islamic State of Medina is perhaps the earliest historical example of a voluntaristic state—the idea in political anthropology that people can freely create a state for the common weal. The Ṣaḥīfa affirmed Muḥammad, as “Prophet” or “Messenger of God”; that is, head of state, identifying all Believers and Muslims, pagan Arabs, Jews,…World Cup in Qatar: The Perfect Storm for Showcasing Beautiful
The World Cup was the perfect storm for showcasing true Islam, not the Islam the Western Media and propagandists habitually sell to the world. And Qatar, its host, was spectacular par excellence in showing true Islam in contrast to the distorted image of Islam that many people had heard about before visiting Qatar for the…