Seven Traits of Life-Long Learners

There is something truly special about those who never stop learning, regardless of their age. As Muslims we fundamentally understand that the best pathway to believe in Allah swt is through knowledge – all aspects of knowledge.

Allah swt says, “… والذين أوتوا العلم درجات …”
Allah swt “… will elevate those with knowledge …”
Prophet Muhammad (AS) said,
“طلب العلم فريضةً على كل مسلم”
“Seeking knowledge is compulsory on all Muslims.”

Life is about growth, about the continuous expanding of our horizons, about continuous learning so we can know Allah swt. Lifelong learners usually possess certain strengths that keep them growing & evolving on the platform of Tahseen تحسين.

Young children reading


Have you ever wondered what keeps lifelong learners going? From my observations, it is an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, a deep-seated curiosity.
Curiosity, in this sense, is not just about asking questions. It is about actively seeking out new information, new experiences, and new ways of understanding the Dunya & the Akirah. It is about not being satisfied with the status quo.

The Dunya is vast and constantly changing. The curious among us recognize this and make it their mission to keep up, to keep discovering, to keep learning. This learning is encouraged by Allah swt to make firm our Imaan, our faith in Him swt, “سنريهم ءاياتنا في الآفاق و في انفسهم”
“We will show them our signs in the universe & in themselves …”

So if we are aiming to be a lifelong learners start by fostering our curiosity. Ask questions, seek answers. Remember that every day brings a new opportunity for growth and learning.


Open-mindedness is a key strength of those who never stop learning. They are open to new ideas, new perspectives, and new ways of doing things. They don’t let their own biases or preconceived notions limit their learning journey. They understand that there is always something new to learn, even in areas where they think they are experts. This openness to learning from others and admitting when they are wrong is a testament to their humility and wisdom. Open-minded people are like sponges – always ready to absorb new information & grow from it.

So, let us strive to be more open-minded in our learning journey. Let us challenge our own view Listen to others, and always be open to the possibility that there is more to learn.


To actually walk the talk, lifelong learners need self-motivation. They don’t need external validation or rewards to keep learning. The learning itself is their motivation.
They have an intrinsic drive, an inner fire that keeps them going. Whether it is picking up a new skill, starting a new book, exploring a new culture, learning a Hadith, a few ayahs, etc., their motivation comes from within.

This self-motivation fuels their journey of continuous growth and learning, ensuring they never lose steam, no matter how challenging the path might get.



Adaptability is about being open to new information & willing to change our minds based on it. It is about realizing that what worked yesterday might not work today, & what works today might not work tomorrow.

Those who continue learning into their senior years have mastered this art of adaptation. They are not stuck in their ways. Instead, they embrace change, thrive on it, and use it as a stepping stone for further growth.


Passion is the fuel that drives lifelong learners. They have a genuine love for learning, a passion that goes beyond the superficial. This is not about ticking off boxes or adding another feather to their cap. It is about the pure joy of discovery, the thrill of understanding something new.
Passion keeps them engaged, keeps them curious, and makes the journey of learning an exciting adventure rather than a chore. It is this passion that lights up their eyes when they talk about their latest discovery & keeps them going even when things get tough.

When we consider the marvels of lifelong learning, about the Deen & Dunya ; it is not about reaching a destination, but embracing the journey. Lifelong learning is not about having a high IQ or being a genius. Lifelong learners are not extraordinary beings. They are regular people like you and me. What sets them apart is their mindset – to continuously seek knowledge.


Patience, they say, is a virtue. Learning takes time especially as we age. Lifelong learners know this better than anyone else. They understand that growth is not a sprint; it is a marathon. They are patient with themselves & with the process. They know that trying to rush things can lead to frustration and burnout.

So they take their time, learn at their own pace, & celebrate the small victories along the way. And with time, they see progress.


The road to continuous learning is not always smooth -I know I am walking on it. I remembered when I decided to learn the Arabic language. Some days were tough, my tongue just wouldn’t twist the right way, and the words seemed to fly over my head. There were moments I did not want to sit with my teacher because I did not complete my assignments. I persevered & that is where another key strength of lifelong learners comes in – resilience.

Resilience is about bouncing back from setbacks, not allowing failure to deter you from your path. It’s about pushing through the tough times and coming out stronger on the other side.
In a rapidly changing world, the ability to adapt is necessary.

Final Word

So remember, no matter how old we get, there is always room for growth, through learning. Every day brings with it new opportunities to learn, & evolve in the continuous effort تحسين to please Allah swt.

Someone said – Seek knowledge from the Cradle to the Grave  اطلبوا العلم من المهد إلى اللحد

A profound saying that applies to all Muslims.
May we be favoured to know Allah swt through knowledge. Ameen

Dr. Mohamed AbdoolHakim

Dr Mohamed A Hakim

Specialized in Mental Health, Cognition, Learning Theories & Islamic Psychology. He holds three Bachelor of Arts Degrees, a Master of Arts, a PhD, and Certificates/diplomas within the field of education. Dr. Abdoolhakim has a proven history of working with Community Groups to assist in developing programs to meet specific community needs. Competent in developing Mental Health training programs to meet the needs of the private and public sectors.


PhD Psychology – Cognition, Learning Theories & Counseling

Dissertation title: Moral Sensitivity, Moral Motivation, Moral Judgment, Moral Character, and Antisocial Behavior in an Urban Environment.

MA in Gestalt Psychology – NY, NY

BA in English Language – Queens, NY

BA in Psychology – Queens, NY

BA Arabic Language & Islamic Studies – Cairo, Egypt.



Founder of Islamic Research & Dawah Center – (IRDC)

Co-Founder of Center for Islamic Studies – (CFIS)

Founder of The Muslim Community Center of NY (MCCNY)

Founder of The Muslim Community Center of Queens (MCCQ)

Founder of Cairo Institute for Arabic, English, & French Languages – Cairo, Egypt


In Haiti – Five Mosques, two Islamic schools – Kindergarten to Secondary, an Orphanage, & and an Academy for Advanced Education currently being erected.

Photo of Dr. Abdoolhakim wearing a suit and white shirt and a red bowtie

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