
Ruling Concerning Making Up The Fast

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

All Praises are for Allah Lord of all that exists and peace and blessings of Allah be on His final Messenger and his household.  

A Muslim must make up the fasting for all the days he (includes “she” in Fiqhi discussions unless otherwise specified) has missed during the Month of Ramadhan. Allah SWT says (as translated): and whoever is ill or on a journey – then an equal number of other days. (2:184)

Making up the missed days can be done consecutively or separately and this is the opinion of the Four Schools of Fiqh, namely: Hanafi, Maliki, Shafe’I and Hanbali

While the time to make up the fasts lasts until the end of the next Sha’baan, it should be done as early as possible so long he has the ability to do so.

If he delays making up the fast till after the next Ramadhan without a valid reason, then he should feed a poor person for every day missed and also make it up the fasting which he has not done the previous year.

On the other hand, if he delays it for a valid reason, then he just make up for the missed days by fasting only and does not have to feed a poor for every day missed.

Those who become conscious of the obligation of Fasting and has many days or perhaps months to make up for Ramadhans missed then if he can fast them that would be the best.

If it is too burdensome for him to fast all, then he can fast some and pay Fidya (feeding a poor person for everyday missed) for the remaining days or simply pay Fidya for all what was missed. If he cannot even do that, he makes Tawbah and strive not to let this happen to him again.

Sh. Abdur Rahman Khan

Shaykh Abdool Rahman Khan is the Chairman of the ICNA Shariah Council. He is also an executive member of the Fiqh Council of North America. He is an expert in the field of Islamic Fiqh and is considered an authority on the laws of Islamic Inheritance. He received his BA in Education and after teaching for few years in his hometown in Guyana, South America, moved to Madinah, to study Islam at the International Islamic University. He was the first Muslim to do the invocation at the inauguration of the Governor of Illinois. Shaykh Khan has authored, Co-authored, translated and edited a number of books including: “An easy way to understand the sciences of Fiqh”, “Marital Rights in Islam”, “Islamic Inheritance in the US context”, “Stories of The Companions of the Prophet”, “Beauty Pearls for Chemo Girls”, “A Book of Supplications and Incantations”.

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