Ramadan Reflections: Options and Opportunities


Joy and Solace

As Ramadan 2023 visits us this year, we no longer greet it with the expected certainty we used to before COVID. Now, it is welcomed with a sense of hesitant hopefulness and expectant gratitude. We are enthused at the incredible options and opportunities that it brings. For me, the coming of Ramadan has always triggered a reflection on an amazing phenomenon. It is to witness the spectacle of the believers showing up in large numbers. The excitement that the coming of Ramadan creates is truly incredible to witness. Even the common believer who may not be as strong or attentive to their faith becomes energized to the extent that he or she finds their way to the masjid every night. This mighty visitor triggers our fitrah (innate inclination to Allah) to respond to the call and promise of Ramadan. The believers come and rigorously dedicate themselves for thirty days. Large numbers of the Ummah engage in fasting, reciting Qur’an, praying Taraweeh Salaah, giving Zakaah and generally striving hard as they can. The masjids and their boards decorate the masjid and create a welcoming atmosphere. They prepare and organize dinners to break the fast. The masjids witness the laughter of children, and the smiles of sisters as they embrace each other with warmth and love. The peaceful atmosphere of brotherhood and peace melts the hardest of hearts. The recitation of the Qur’an pierces the darkness of the night as our best reciters magnify Allah’s glorious Ayaat (verses) with their melodious voices. The hearts find solace and peace with the remembrance of Allah.   

The “Why” of Fasting

As we bask in the blessed glow of Ramadan, I also have recognized an anomaly as well. It is to witness some of our brothers and sisters mainly focusing on just the mechanics of the rituals. They are absorbed in the “what” and “how” of them. This happens not only for Ramadan but for Salaah, Hajj and Jumu’ah as well. The orientation seems to favor doing only what is minimally required. This could have come from a cultural attachment or an insufficient education. It must be addressed and fixed so that these well-intentioned and sincere believers can really get to understand and fully benefit from the month. They need to be taught that rituals are only important to the extent that one benefits from the kernels of truths, lessons, and guidance that are contained within them. So, when Ramadan or Jumu’ah or Salaah comes, instead of just focusing on the “what” and “how”, we now actually ask the first and most important question. That is, the “why”.  Why do we fast or pray or give charity? The “why” will give us a deeper purpose behind the various rituals. It is the “why” that makes our “what” and “how” meaningful and contextualized. Allah (SWT), when He introduced the command to fast, immediately gives us the “why.” He (SWT) says “O believers, fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed to those before you in order that you may acquire Taqwa.” (Quran 2:186). Taqwa is to erect a spiritual wall between us and the prohibitions of Allah. It keeps us on the straight path.

The Blessings of Ramadan

Once we understand the “why,” all of our activities, actions, and rituals take on a new, singularly directed focus—connecting and surrendering to Allah. It is to become so attached to Allah that we defer to Him and trust Him to the extent that we reshape our egos, inclinations, desires, wills, actions, worship, obedience, and endeavors to conform to His commands. Allah the Merciful gives us a whole month of options and opportunities to facilitate this. The incentives and rewards being offered by Allah for the various acts of obedience, worship, and doing good are magnified and increased up to 70 times more. This is also from His mercy and love for us. Thus, in Ramadan, we have the greatest chance to settle our affairs with Allah and to get His forgiveness and Paradise. We get a chance to assess the strength of our Imaan (faith) as we respond to His various dictates and opportunities. We can memorize and recite the Qur’an. We can fast. It’s said in Hadith narrations that the Qur’an and our fasting will be intercessors for us. Another hadith states, “He who fasts with faith in Ramadan, seeking the countenance of Allah, will have all his past (minor) sins forgiven.” Taraweeh, I’tikaaf and Laylatul Qadr (better than 1000 months in blessings) provide other unique opportunities. We get to meet and greet and break the fast with our fellow believers. The chances for Allah’s forgiveness for our sins are magnified during this month. The Prophet (S) lamented about the person who, after experiencing Ramadan, was still unable to merit Allah’s forgiveness. Allah comes down in the last third of the night to answer believers’ duas and to forgive them. Our fast allows us to have empathy for the poor’s hunger and moves us to help them. There are so many opportunities available to reconnect and surrender to Allah (SWT) in Ramadan.

Preparing for Ramadan

To fully benefit from this annual opportunity, we need to prepare meticulously for it. Prior to Ramadan, we must do everything we can to free up time and facilitate focus. These are essential for us to experience a successful month. Regarding our time, we should first look at our jobs. We must negotiate to work through lunch and try to leave early, ask for time off for Jum’uah, avoid overtime work, reschedule projects, and schedule vacation days during the last ten days of Ramadan. Secondly, at home, we must get our cars ready, finish major chores like repairing a roof or replacing an appliance, shop for ‘Eid, and for our food preparation. We should pre-cook food, and do anything that we can prepare prior to Ramadan. Regarding focus, one should get a medical checkup, practice fasting a few days prior to Ramadan, forgive all who have wronged you, and ask Allah to forgive you. When we prepare like this, we will reap more time and optimal focus during the month.

Seeking and Changing

Lastly, our intention must be to make this the best Ramadan ever. That starts with a weekly action plan. The key to the whole of Ramadan is to understand the essence of what we are trying to do in Ramadan, guided by the “why” of seeking to attain Taqwa. What we are really trying to do is to “seek” and to “change.” All the options and opportunities can be summarized into these two main categories. To seek the connection with Allah and to seek a relationship of obedience and worship with Allah. The second is to make an effort to change our evil actions, to change our manner of dealing with others, and to change ourselves to become closer to the way of the Prophet Muhammad (S)’s Sunnah. These actions of seeking and changing will lead us to Taqwa. The best of humanity are the people of Taqwa. So let us all grab the opportunities and options this Ramadan. Let us focus on the “why” and not just “what” and “how.” We ask Allah to allow us to witness the month this year and to get the most out of it as none of us is promised another.  

Imam Naseeb Khan

Naseeb Khan was born in Guyana and is one of the founding members of the Guyana Islamic Trust and its first Ameer. He has been involved in the da’wah and youth work for over forty years and was Imam of Nur ul Islam, Florida for the past ten years.
He is an author and has written several books and articles on Islam. Among them are “The Islamic Meeting”, “Tried and Tested” and “Ramadan 101 for busy Muslims”.

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