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Al-Israa and Me’raaj – The Miraculous Night Journey
The night of Israa and Me'raaj was not merely a journey through space and time but a transformative spiritual experience. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) witnessed the vastness of Allah’s dominion and the intricate balance of creation. Among the profound visions was the sight of Jannah (Paradise) and Jahannam (Hellfire), offering a glimpse…The Sleep Cycle and the Sunnah
The natural 24-hour cycle of physical, mental, and behavioral changes that occur in the body is termed the circadian rhythm (CR). The term “circadian” is derived from 2 Latin words, “circa” (approximate) and dies (day), to signify approximately one day or a 24-hour cycle. These rhythms are controlled by two types of “clocks” in a…Muslim Youth of Guyana – Tomorrow’s Future
The future of Islam in Guyana will depend on the collective efforts of its people to embrace diversity, empower their youth, and uphold the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Together, we can create a vibrant, inclusive, and impactful community that is a beacon of hope and inspiration for all.Seven Traits of Life-Long Learners
There is something truly special about those who never stop learning, regardless of their age. As Muslims we fundamentally understand that the best pathway to believe in Allah swt is through knowledge - all aspects of knowledge. Allah swt says, "… والذين أوتوا العلم درجات …"Allah swt “… will elevate those with knowledge …”Prophet Muhammad…GIT Diaspora Reunion 2024 Resilience and Brotherhood
What began as a simple idea evolved into a heartfelt mission: to reunite the GIT diaspora for a long-overdue gathering. After 47 years, it was evident that time was of the essence. Sixteen years had passed since our last reunion, and in that time, much had changed. The prospect of reuniting with our brothers and…GIT Diaspora Reunion – Resilience & Brotherhood
The following remarks were made by Br. Ashraf Latif at the opening session of the GIT Diaspora Reunion held in Newark, New Jersey from August 30 - September 1, 2024. The Reunion was an occasion for workers and leaders of the Guyana Islamic Trust who now live in North America to reconnect and reflect on…The Media Defends Israel – and Shames Itself
Deplorable lies, especially those inspired by geopolitics, white supremacy, right-wing nationalism, often lead to catastrophic events-invasions, bombings, tortures, abuses of all kinds. Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine shoot up like lava from an erupting volcano in this respect. This begs the question: why not expose the lies before they lead to such catastrophes? One of the…Complicity & Impunity: The Two Most Powerful Enablers of Israel’s
The barbarism that Israel has been unleashing on the Palestinians since October 8 of 2023 stuns even people who have never empathized with the sufferings of the Palestinians. With all the trappings of Nazism that produced the Holocaust, the darkest stain on humanity in the 20th century, this current barbarism will inexorably lead to another…EARTH’S PRECIOUS FORESTS IN SERVICE TO HUMANITY
Forests cover nearly a third of the Earth’s land surface, and healthy forests are therefore huge reservoirs for the absorption and storage of carbon. The wood of trees is a superb carbon sink - one that absorbs more CO2 than it releases- in that it holds a large amount of carbon, lasts a relatively long…An Era of Insanity: Palestinians in the Throes of Genocide
It is worth noting that the siege of Gaza did not start with Hamas’ incursions into Palestinians’ lands that are currently occupied by Israel. On the contrary, Palestinians have endured this unbearable confinement and incarceration for the last sixteen years.